











北京师范大学作为国家双一流建设的重要名校,在艺术、心理、教育等学科方面既有着深厚的历史积淀,又有着兼容并蓄的国际化视野,势必能为艺术治疗研究的培育和发展提供很好的学科基础和土壤。2018年,在德国Wolfgang Mastnak教授、美国曹晓乔高级心理治疗师等卓越专业力量的鼎力加盟之下,在艺术与传媒学院同仁一起努力之下,北师大艺术治疗研究中心应运而生。




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(一)沃尔夫冈.马斯特纳克(Wolfgang Mastnak)教授




Mastnak, W. (2022). Chinese music therapy and clinical music education in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Modern Applied Medical Sciences, 2(1), 1-12. DOI: 10.36099/mamr.210122

Mastnak, W. (2022). Chinese music therapy to treat depression in children and adolescents: The BARIT-Model. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 13(1), 322-331. DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.13.1.0035

Mastnak, W. (2022). Oppositional defiant disorder and Chinese music therapy: The 4S-Model. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 13(1), 481-486. DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.13.1.0763

Mastnak, W. (2022). Music, arts and cognitive behavioural therapy to treat sleep disorders. Integrative Journal of Medical Sciences, 9, 1-4. DOI: 10.15342/ijms.2022.602

Mastnak, W. (2022). Chinese music therapy and clinical music education to treat anxiety disorders: The PLUS-Model. Modern Applied Medical Research, 2(1), 13-23. DOI: 10.36099/mamr.210222

Mastnak, W. (2022). The COVID-19 pandemic, associated mental health issues and music educational therapy; An inernational and Chinese approach. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews 13(1), 543-551. DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.13.1.0057

Mastnak, W. (2022). Music, dance and painting to treat eating disorders; The Chinese TIBET-Model. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 13(1), 590-598. DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.13.1.0066

Mastnak, W. (2022). Stress-CARE: A Chinese music therapeutic model to treat stress and burnout syndromes. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 13(2), 57-65. DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.13.2.0103

Mastnak, W. (2022). Music therapy & the COVID-19 Era. A theoretical perspective. Innovative Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, 1(2), 1-15. DOI: 10.36099/ijcmr.120122

Mastnak, W. (2022). Künstlerische Pädagogik und Therapien in der Post-COVID-19-Ära. Eine prospekive Studie zu Herausforderungen an Gesellschaft, Bildung und Gesundheitspolitik. [Arts-based education and therapy in the post-COVID-19 era. A prospective study on social, educational and public health challenges]. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie, 32(1), 29-37.

Mastnak, W. (2022). Sound Scene Improvisation: Health Educational and Therapeutic Perspectives. Gulf Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, 1(2), 1-10. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36538.88005

Mastnak, W. (2021). The COVID-19 system: A translational meta-synthesis for cardiac rehabilitation and prevention. Atherosclerosis: Open Access Atheroscler open access, 6(1), 146.

Mastnak, W. (2021). Coherence size and confidence range: two new parameters in psycho-cardiology. Frontiers of Cardiology & Cardiovascular Medicine FJCCM, 1(1), 1-17. FJCCM-21-106

Matnak, W. & Mao, Q. (2021). Chinese arts-based psycho-oncology: A translational systemic meta-synthetic perspective. Biomedical & Translational Science, 1(1), 1-8. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23484.10888

Mastnak, W. & Yang, J.Y.(2021). Multimodale Musiktherapie bei Schwangerschafts- und Perinataldepression. Eine chinesische Pilotstudie zur COVID-19-Ära [Multimodal music therapy in pregnancy-associated and perinatal depression. A Chinese COVID-19-era pilot-study]. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie, 31(1), 11-22. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13417.77925

Mastnak, W. & Kremer, L (2021). Polyästhetische Erziehung und Sexologie. Eine interdisziplinäre chinesisch-westliche Perspektive [Polyaesthetic education and sexology: An interdisciplinary Chinese-Western perspective]. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie, 31(1), 3-10. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25161.83046

Mastnak, W. (2021). Resonanzprozessoren. Interdependenzfunktion zwischen Biographie und Werk. In: Erhardt, I. (Hg.) Jahrbuch für Psychoanalyse und Musik, Bd. 5 (2021). 23-49. DOI: 10.30820/9783837930436-23

Mastnak, W. (2021). Psychoanalysis and Qualitative Factor Analysis: A comparative meta-theoretical perspective. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11022.89922

Mastnak, W. (2021). Coherence Size and Confidence Range: Two new Parameters? ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32833.28007

Mastnak, W. (2021). Musikpädagogik, Kreativität & Default Mode Network (DMN). ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16475.49442

Mastnak, W. & Yazdani, Y. (2021). Frauenstimmen des Iran. Perspektiven für den kulturerschließenden Musikunterricht. Research Gate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14227.60969

Mastnak, W. & Chen, Y. (2021). Klavierpädagogik & Seinsphilosophie: eine chinesische Perspektive. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27262.72008/1

Mastnak, W. (2021). Qualitative Factor Analysis. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22675.20002

Mastnak, W. (2021). Alexander Technique for Musicians. A Critical Medical Perspective. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10321.66403

Mastnak, W. (2021). Raum & Rhythmik. Eine neurowissenschaftliche Perspektive. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20178.27847

Mastnak, W. (2021). Räume und chinesische Rhythmik 马乐音乐律动. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24372.58249

Mastnak, W. (2021). COVID-19 Psychodynamics and Psychopathology. A Psychoanalytic Perspective. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35539.91687

Mastnak, W., Mao, Q. & Yang, J.Y. (2021). Psycho-oncological Education – A Chinese Model. A brief commentary. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34071.91047

Mastnak, W. (2021). Systemic Meta-Synthesis. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25103.30886

Mastnak, W., Bao, J. & Yang, J.Y. (2021). 中枢神经——音乐系统与压力机制之间的界面。以音乐为基础的大脑压力调节机制的综合框架研究. Music Stress Interface ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16214.98889

Mastnak, W. & Mao, Q. (2021). COVID-19, breast cancer and music-based psycho-social care in China. A short communication. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35169.63841

Mastnak, W. & Mao, Q. (2021). 阿尔卑斯山音乐治疗:传统与临床视角. Alpine Music Therapy, Traditional and clinical aspects. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13242.11200

Mastnak, W. & Mao, Q. (沃尔夫冈 马斯特纳克 & 毛琦) (2021) 国际视角下音乐治疗的历史演变. 艺术学理论, 1002-8900(2021)03-0029-06

Mastnak, W. Yang, J.Y. & Xie J.W. (2021). Sound Work: 精神病学,身心医学与养生学中的声音与身体. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30769.71526

Mastnak, W. & Guo, R. (2021). Chinese Orff Music Therapy for children with ASD in China: The Shanghai Model. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34159.56481

Mastnak, W. & Guo, R. (2021). An evaluation of Chinese Orff Music Therapy for children with autism in China. Good Autism Practice, 22(1), 78-86.

Mastnak, W., Seevraz, J.C. & Duvergé, M. (2021). Mauritian music therapy: conceptual framework of a promising movement. Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa, 18(1), 165-175. DOI: 10.2989/18121004.2021.2013021

Mastnak, W. & Mao, Q. (2021). Mindful Chinese family therapy. Cross-cultural perspectives & an arts therapeutic model. BNU Scientific Arts Therapy Reports BNU, Sci Arts Ther Rep, 1(1), 1-8. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19961.39521

Mastnak, W. & 毛琦 (2021). 基于正念的中国家庭治——跨文化视角与艺术治疗模式. BNU Scientific Arts Therapy Reports BNU, Sci Arts Ther Rep, 1(1), 9-14. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35060.88961

Mastnak, W. & Mao, Q. 沃尔夫冈·马斯特纳克毛琦 (2021). A Review and Evaluation of Dance Therapy. 舞蹈治疗的综述与评价. 北京舞蹈学院学报 Journal of Beijing Dance Academy, 2021(1), 111-120.

Mastnak, W. (2021). Dance – a viable means to treat diseases and to fight pandemics: A medical and cultural anthropological perspective. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie, 31(2), 197-211. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14027.26400

Mastnak, W. (2021). Was ist Musiktherapie? Ein Mikro-Führer durch den terminologischen Dschungel. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie, 31(2), 254-256. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14728.49920


Mastnak, W., Gebhard, A., Langenmantel, P. & Ohnewald, I. (2020). Musik und die Mutter-Kind-Dyade im Strafvollzug. Eine Pilotstudie [Music and the mother-child dyad in imprisonment. A pilot study]. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie, 30(1), 10-17. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25379.73767

Mastnak, W. (2020). Musik- und Sexualtherapie. Eine westlich und chinesisch akzentuierte, endokrinologische Perspektive [Music-, Sex therapy, China, and the West]. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie, 30(1), 3-9. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15313.40801

Mastnak, W. & Guo, R. (2020). Music Therapy for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder. A Short Review of Western and Chinese Developments and Proceedings. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie, 30(1), 26-35. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28735.18084

Mastnak, W. (2020). Music Therapy in ASD. But is Autism a Disorder? A Critical Clinically Cultural Perspective and a Czech Model. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie, 30(1), 18-25. DOI: 10.13140/RG2.2.35446.06729

Mastnak, W. (2020). Psychopathological problems related to the COVID-19 pandemic and possible prevention with music therapy. Acta Paediatrica, 109(8), 1516-1518. DOI: 10.1111/apa.15346

Mastnak, W. (2020). COVID-19, Cardiological Issues & Health Education. Journal of Cardiology Research Review & Reports, 1(3), 1-4. DOI: 10.47363/JCRRR/2020(1)117

Mastnak, W. (2020) Fitness, COVID-19 and future pandemics: The sports medical mission of physical education. Insights in Blood Pressure, 4(1), 1-3. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29574.04168.

Mastnak, W., Mao, Q. & Yang J.Y. (2020) Music Rhythmic Therapy – A Novel Versatile Add-On- Support in Paediatrics. Journal of Pediatrics Research Reviews & Reports, 2(3), 1-10. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14055.11685

Mastnak, W. (2020) Music Counselling. In: Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (Ed.) Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy Moscow 2020, ISBN 978-5-6044-523-7-0, S. 283-291

Mastnak, W., Wang, L., He, P., Fan, L.H. & Mao, Q. (2020). Chinese music therapy to alleviate anxiety and depressive traits in breast cancer patients. The Shanghai model. Journal of Clinical Research in Oncology, 3(1), 1-9. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19088.28163

Mastnak, W. (2020). Cardiorespiratory fitness to boost immunity and fight pandemics. A translational meta-synthesis. Frontiers Journal of Cardiology & Cardiovascular Medicine, 1(1), 1-14. FJCCM-20-102. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29154.61125

Mastnak, W. (2020). Musculoskeletal pain in students under COVID-19 conditions – A translational meta-synthesis for personalised rehabilitation. International Journal of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, 7, 16-29. DOI: 10.12974/2313-0954.2020.07.3

Mastnak, W. & Yang, J.Y. 杨静一 (2020). 中国产前音乐干预转化研究及神经科学背景概述. 当代音乐 Modern Music, 2020(9), 8-11. 文章编号 1007-2233 (2020) 09-0008-04

Mastnak, W. (2020). 卡尔 - 奥尔夫的“原本性“概念阐释?——为中国的音乐教育同行而作. 音乐艺术 2020(3), 169-178. http.//www.cnki.net

Mastnak, W. & Gu, J.W. (2020). German-Chinese Poly-Lingual Withdrawal Syndrome. A short communication. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27708.36481

二)曹晓乔(Linda Xiao Qiao Cao Baker)教授


曹晓乔(Linda Xiao Qiao Cao Baker




2)科研项目:设计并主持国家级外国专家科研项目 《ag亚游》(中国教育部外国专家局,2019年);设计并主持高校科研项目《ag亚游网址》(唐仲英基金会,2022-2024年)。

3)学术演讲:《ag亚游网址》 (英文,团队领讲,第六届综合性创造艺术治疗国际学术会,芝加哥艺术治疗学院,2022年5月);《ag亚游》 (英文,第56届舞动治疗国际学术会,美国舞蹈治疗学会主持,2021年10月);《ag亚游网址》(英文,团体领讲,第五届综合创造性艺术治疗国际学术会,芝加哥艺术治疗学院,2021年3月);《ag亚游》(舞蹈与科学全国学术论坛,北京舞蹈学院,2021年11月),《ag亚游》(中国人本心理咨询与治疗学术大会,北京师范大学心理学部,2019年5月);《ag亚游》(英文,第四届综合性创造艺术治疗国际学术会,芝加哥艺术治疗学院,2019年3月);《ag亚游网址》(全国舞蹈教育学术会,北京舞蹈学院,2019年10月);《ag亚游》(中西美术教育及美育高峰论坛,中央美院,2019年11月);《ag亚游》(芝加哥心理治疗研讨会,AMITA 行为医学专业继续教育学院,2019年2月);《ag亚游》(芝加哥心理咨询研讨会, AMITA 行为医学专业继续教育学院,2018年10月);《ag亚游》(中国心理品牌高峰论坛,北京心理咨询集团,2018年7月;《ag亚游》(NIEAPA 学术年会,北伊利诺伊州员工援助专业学会, 2010年12月);《ag亚游》(英文,伊利诺伊心理咨询与治疗学术会,伊利诺伊州心理学会,2017年10月;《ag亚游》(英文,芝加哥地区心理咨询/治疗学术会,AMITA专业继续教育学院,201年10月);《ag亚游》(英文,美国老年研究学术会,2015年3月,2014年3月,2013年3月));《ag亚游网址》(英文,第31届国际疼痛科学研究学术会,美国疼痛学会,2012年5月)《ag亚游网址》(英文,伊利诺伊学校心理咨询学术年会,伊州学校社工学会,2010年8月)

4) 影视创作:《ag亚游》(英文,ABMC 医院系统电视每日专题节目,AMITA Video Group ,2018年);《ag亚游网址》(英文,研究生教学片,Sage Publications Film,2015年4月);《ag亚游网址》(英文,ABBHH住院病人每日练习项目,并作为医生/治疗师的出院处方,The Video Works Inc. 2003);《ag亚游》(心理教育电视节目,安徽时代新媒体出版社,2017年);《ag亚游网址》(9集系列影视教育节目,安徽时代新媒体出版社,2015年)

5) 学术文章:《ag亚游网址》(艺术教育,2021年第9期《ag亚游》(北京舞蹈学院学报,2021年,第1期);《ag亚游》(艺术教育,2021年,第2期);《ag亚游网址》,(英文,与傅梦巧合作,Boletin De Malariology Y Salud Ambiental,第 60 卷,Web of Science,V.5.35,2020 年);《ag亚游网址》(英文,疼痛研究学刊第13期,美国疼痛学会,2012年)

6)专业荣誉:《ag亚游》(美国芝加哥哥伦比亚学院舞动治疗学科颁发,2019年);《ag亚游网址》(美国AMITA健康系统颁发,2018年);最佳专业团队领军奖(美国ABBHH颁发,2016年);《ag亚游》中文网报道(2018年);中国《ag亚游网址》视频采访报道(2018;受中国当代健康报报道(2018年);中国心理导刊报道(2018年);美国AMITA健康系统周刊视频报道(英文,2016年);美国AMITA健康系统周刊文字报道(英文, 2018年,2016年);受美国《ag亚游网址》网站线上访问直播(英文,2015);美国《ag亚游网址》全版报道(1998年)



ag亚游网址副教授,研究生导师,心理学博士,认证心理治疗师,艺术治疗研究中心主任。主要从事艺术治疗、艺术教育与心理的教学科研工作。曾获国家留学基金委资助赴美国纽约哥伦比亚大学做访问学者(2017年)。曾任中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心艺术部门副主任,北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室博士后。中国心理卫生协会残疾人心理卫生分会委员,国际创造性艺术教育与治疗协会IACAET理事会理事。国际经验美学学会(The International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, IAEA)会员,中国心理学会会员,中国教育学会会员。主持教育部、北京市社科、北京市教育规划、北京师范大学自主科研资助课题多项,参与科技部项目、教育部委托项目、其他省部级项目多项。发表多篇学术论文,撰写并参编多本著作、编著和译著。


① Leah Guzman(美)著,李红菊译.艺术治疗自助方案(Essential Art Therapy Exercises).机械工业出版社,(译著,待出版)

② 胡智锋,郭必恒,李红菊.《ag亚游网址》,中国文联出版社,2021年7月.主编之一.(编著)

③ Li Hongju, Fan Xiaomin, Ji Shuwen, & Yu Qian(2022). The empirical research of college students’ background of arts education and relationship with mental health, Psychological Applications and Trends 2022, Edited by Clara Pracana  & Michael Wang,Published by inScience Press, Portugal. pp212-215.

④ 李红菊,刘绮璇. 2021年中国艺术教育年度报告-学前篇,艺术评论,2022.

⑤ 刘绮璇,李红菊. 设计思维在PBL项目式学习STEAM课程中的培养,艺术教育,2022(7).

⑥ 孙敏清,李红菊.戏剧治疗中戏剧元素的应用分析,艺术研究,2022(8).

⑦ 王燕楠,李红菊.舞动治疗教育及相关标准初探.艺术教,2021(08):47-51.通讯作者.

⑧ Hongju Li, & Xindi Cao. MIND-BODY INTEGRATION IN DANCE MOVEMENT THERAPY. Psychological Applications and trends, 2021, Edited by: Clara Pracana & Michael Wang. ISSN (electronic version): 2184-3414 ISSN (printed version): 2184-2205 ISBN: 978-989-54815-5-2 .Published by inScience Press, Rua Tomás Ribeiro, 45, 1050-225.  Lisboa, Portugal.

⑨ Hongju Li and Qianyu Xing, The Effect of Arts Education on the Mental Health of Teenagers, 2020 International Symposium on Advances in Informatics, Electronics and Education (ISAIEE),Frankfurt, Germany, 2020, pp. 129-132.

⑩ 李红菊,刘绮璇.2020年中国艺术教育年度报告——学前篇.艺术评论,2021(06):137-142.

11 王燕楠,李红菊.当下短视频艺术教育研究.艺术教育,2021(06):107-110.通讯作者

12 李红菊,曹新笛.舞动治疗的前提与目的:身心整合.艺术教育,2021(03):35-39.

13 唐怡,李红菊.拉班动作教育对视力残障人群的身心干预研究.北京舞蹈学院学报,2021(01):128-135.

14 幸千钰,李红菊.艺术教育对青少年心理健康发展的作用探析.艺术教育,2020(12):21-24.

15 李红菊.实验美学研究中的生态效度问题探析.艺术教育,2020(11):23-26.

16 李红菊,陈乐卅.视觉艺术审美心理机制研究.艺术教育,2020(07):20-23.

17 李红菊.2019年中国艺术教育年度报告——学前篇.艺术评论,2020(05):115-119.

18 李红菊.2018年中国艺术教育年度报告-学前篇,艺术评论,2019(3)

19 李红菊.论艺术教育对大学生身心健康的积极作用,艺术教育,2019(2)

20 刘紫琪,李红菊.世界联觉组织及其研究初探,艺术研究,2019(1)


① 积极心理学视角下北京中学生焦虑抑郁影响因素及团体艺术治疗方案研究,北京市教育科学“十四五”规划2021年度重点课题,2021-2024, 主持人

② 中小学美育教师队伍动态预测研究及系统研发,教育部科技发展中心2021年度项目,2021-2022, 主持人

③ 艺术培养积极心理品质的心理机制研究,2017年北京市社会科学基金项目青年项目,2017-2020,主持人。

④ 音乐教育与小学生非音乐能力发展的关系及心理机制追踪研究,全国教育科学“十二五”规划教育部青年课题,2013-2016,主持人。


① 高端外国专家引进项目:创建中国表达艺术心理治疗的理论、教学和实践体系,教育部国家外国文教专家局,2019.8-2020.1。

② 新时代我国中小学美育师资队伍建设情况调査硏究,中国高等教育学会教师教育分会2021年度项目,主持人。            

③ 全国中小学美育教师队伍现状调研,教育部体卫艺司委托项目,2019-2020,主要参与人。

④ 高校教师心理健康教育的长效机制研究,北京师范大学党委教师工作部2019年重点课题。

⑤ 表达性艺术治疗对大学生抑郁焦虑的干预研究——基于北京师范大学心理异常学生的实证研究,2020年度北京师范大学大学生思想政治教育课题。


① Li Hongju, Bridging West & East Culture through Building Creative Arts Therapy-----Research Inspiration & Poetic Journaling. (one of panel presentation) Institute for Therapy through the Arts’(ITA) 6th Annual Integrated Creative Arts Therapy Conference, ITA Chicago, America, Oral report, Online, May 12th, 2022.

② 李红菊,新时代美育师资队伍建设问题研究。“美术教育的价值重构”线上国际学术论坛,北京,2021年11月14日.

③ Li Hongju, Unity of Heaven and Man: the Construction of Chinese Traditional Culture, (one of panel presentation) Institute for Therapy through the Arts’ (ITA) 5th Annual Integrated Creative Arts Therapy Conference, ITA Chicago, America, Oral report, Online, January 15th, 2021.

④ 李红菊,艺术治疗科研及国际合作价值及规划, CAET国际在线讲座——中国高校的艺术教育与治疗:传统、创新与突破;亿派学院主办,2021.1.20.

⑤ 李红菊,艺术教育与学生健康发展,2019“中西美术教育比较·美育高峰论坛”,中央美术学院,2019.11.25.

⑥ 李红菊,国内外艺术治疗学科发展概括,社会美育联盟2019学术年会,中央美术学院,2019.12.10-12。

⑦ Li Hongju, The Influence of Art Education on Undergraduates' Life Satisfaction and Life Meaning, International Culture & Arts Forum(ICAF) ,Beijing, China,July 3-4, 2019.

⑧ The Psychological Mechanism of Meaning Understanding of Chinese Calligraphy Art Appreciation from A Perspective of New Experimental Aesthetics, International Culture & Arts Forum(ICAF) ,Beijing, China,July 3-4, 2019.

















2019 作品《ag亚游网址》先后应邀参加“2019华冈艺术展—华冈舞团年度公演”、“韩



2016 《ag亚游网址》- 艺术评论第三期

2013 参与翻译由中国出版传媒股份有限公司出版的《ag亚游网址》

2012 《ag亚游网址》- 创意的力量/北京师范大学国际创意舞蹈研讨会论文集

2010 《ag亚游》- 民族艺术研究第六期

2010 《ag亚游网址》- 北京舞蹈学院学报第四期

2008 《ag亚游》- 云南民族艺术研究第三期


2019  中国基础教育检测协同创新中心“高参小”项目艺术提升自主课题

2018  北京师范大学“高参小”小学创造性舞蹈课程

2016 “小学舞蹈教育改革实践——拉班动作教育课程研究”北京市社会科学基金项目

2014  参与“动态数字文化多维展示技术研究”国家科技部支撑计划课题

2014  参与“北京市中小学艺术课程衔接与实践研究”省部级课题

2012 “拉班舞谱对盲童舞蹈治疗的应用研究”北京市哲社课题

2011 “西南少数民族调查与实践”横向课题


2019 《ag亚游》优秀教师

2010 北京师范大学第六届“最受欢迎的十佳教师”十佳教师

2000 全国第六届“桃李杯”舞蹈比赛民间舞青年组银奖

1994 全国第四届“桃李杯”舞蹈比赛民间舞少年组金奖




















美育的“实用”与“素养”求索 《ag亚游》2022.3

情绪、运动、图像——对人类创造价值的思考  《ag亚游网址》2020.1

吐峪沟民居门扇装饰中的两种图像  《ag亚游网址》2019.7

民间美术图案 “八仙过海”的图像学探析 《ag亚游网址》2017






1、装置作品《ag亚游》海外华人美协女艺术家作品国际展(纽约)  入围奖


3、国际个人邀请展:“行遇多瑙——熙方方欧洲写生邀请展” 匈牙利布达佩斯

4、音魂画境 多维度交互式艺术展演 北京 京师美术馆

5、见- (个展)北京 京师美术馆

6、文明的骨骼(大型个展)北京 山水美术馆

7、一意孤行(个展)北京 斯凯兰德庄园美术馆









Email: artstherapy@163.com; lihongju@e-sportscast.net











Good Therapy官网











4Wolfgang MASTNAK教授在世界中联音乐疗法专业委员会第三届学术年会中发表专家主题演讲


5Wolfgang MASTNAK教授关于中德孕妇-围产期艺术治疗的研究


6Wolfgang MASTNAK教授关于《ag亚游网址》的阶段性跨学科研究成果




















8、“艺术赋能身心”系列讲座活动 第三讲:《ag亚游》










“舞动表达艺术治疗高级研修班”由ag亚游网址艺术治疗研究中心举办,该研修班总学时为192课时,以每学期48课时的形式在2年内分为四个学期进行。共有10名来自全国各地的教师、相关专业在校研究生以及社会从业人员参与。研修班课程分别由来自美国的高级舞动治疗师、高级心理咨询师、德保罗大学心理健康发展部主任Shannon Suffoletto与高级舞动治疗师、拉班动作分析专家、Body Education Instituteof Chicago创始人Kim Rothwell主讲,北京师范大学艺术治疗中心副主任、美国高级舞动治疗师、高级心理咨询师曹晓乔教授助讲。课程严格按照美国舞动治疗师的学科要求标准设置,以舞动治疗的理论基础与当前实践方法为课程导向,结合医学、心理学、艺术学等科学理念对拉班动作、巴田妮芙动作等进行理论分析与干预实践,同时,对动作层面的心理病理学、发展心理学相关理论和技术,及镜像、真实动作等舞动治疗基本理论和技术进行了详细讲解与实践。



“表达艺术疗法与中小学学生工作高级研修班”由ag亚游网址艺术治疗研究中心成功举办,共有9名来自全国各地的优秀中小学以及高校教师参与。本期5天的研修班课程分别由北京师范大学艺术治疗研究中心副主任曹晓乔教授、美国高级戏剧治疗师伊丽莎白•穆克利Elizabeth Muckley 、美国注册美术治疗师丽达•盖尔廷Rita Guertin、ag亚游网址副教授李红菊、北京师范艺术与传媒学院美术系教师熙方方组成的优秀师资队伍主讲,通过对舞动治疗、戏剧治疗、美术治疗三大板块的课程讲授与实践体验,将美国舞动治疗、戏剧治疗、美术治疗学科体系进行了理论讲解与教学展示,并以各类典型的在校生心理行为的实际问题出发,让学员在亲身参与体验中掌握舞动、戏剧、美术等超语言文字的创造性心理行为作为干预手段。同时,通过实证研究案例的分析对中小学群体的艺术创作与艺术欣赏的心理规律进行了科学性探索,对学员理解与掌握儿童和青少年的心态、情绪与行为机制具有重要意义。




本次培训为期七天,由ag亚游网址特聘教授曹晓乔、副教授唐怡、美国注册美术治疗师Jose Alcantara 、副教授张军、副教授傅梦巧、副教授李红菊六位导师主讲。


Arts Therapy Research Center

School of Art and Media in Beijing Normal University

1 Introduction

Arts therapy is one of the frontiers of scientific research in our era, which is a multidisciplinary field integrating art, medicine, psychology, sociology and other disciplines. This emerging discipline not only opens up new possibilities for human scientific research and medical treatment, but more importantly, it will bring the well-being of human survival and development.

In the context of globalization currently, human beings are facing various challenges such as survival competition and deterioration of natural environment. People of different ages, countries, nationalities and regions are suffering from various diseases, both mentally and physically. Many health problems are difficult to cure if only relying on traditional medical means, whose intervention effect is limited. But through the artistic intervention, surprising curative effect has been made.

In the past several decades, a group of interdisciplinary scholars have dedicated themselves to exploring the field of arts therapy and seeking for innovation. They combined clinical medical treatment with practice methods of multiple art disciplines, such as music, dance, fine arts, film and television, and drama, opening a new era of arts therapy. At present, arts therapy has carried out fruitful explorations and experiments on many traditional medical problems, such as depression, adolescent autism and Alzheimer's disease. These encouraging scientific achievements have not only been successfully transferred to practical clinical applications, but also spawned arts therapy platforms in some important global medical institutions.

The establishment of these arts therapy platforms provides the public with expected pleasant treatment ideas and methods, helping people to positively face diseases and effectively relieve the pain, thus increasing the opportunity for people to enjoy a happy life again. I believe, it is not only a proud scientific achievement, but also a major project to benefit mankind.

Chinese arts therapy started relatively late, and failed to form a complete system yet. arts therapy is a novel stuff for Chinese people. In this sense, nevertheless, arts therapy will have great development space in China. In one aspect, China has a huge population of 1.4 billion and thus a large number of contemporary diseases, many of which cannot be cured by traditional medical treatment and better results might be achieved when are handled by arts therapy. In another aspect, China is a country with a long history and a colorful culture. Chinese are given a unique and rich heritage of national art, including folk music, folk dance, folk art, ethnic calligraphy, folk drama and film and television, etc., all of which are important culture accumulation and treasury of arts therapy.

Beijing Normal University is credited as a national first-class university, which not only enjoys a profound historical accumulation in disciplines such as arts, psychology and education, but also holds an inclusive international vision, providing a great foundation and soil for the cultivation and development of arts therapy research. With the participation of excellent professional forces such as Professor Wolfgang Mastnak from Germany and senior psychotherapist Cao Xiaoqiao from the United States, and the joint efforts of the faculty of school of Arts & Communication in BNU, the arts therapy research center came into being.

In response to the national policy of the Party Central Committee on "National Health for All" and in response to the national needs of the post pandemic era, Beijing Normal University actively constructs the discipline of arts therapy and is committed to the research and practical exploration of arts therapy theory and methods. In recent years, a lot of work has been done in the recruitment and cultivation of master's and doctoral students, teacher team building, scientific research on arts therapy, and practical applications. In 2019, we began recruiting doctoral students in arts therapy, and recruiting the first undergraduate students in dance movement therapy in China in 2023. The center's expert team continues to conduct in-depth research on the theoretical system and practice of Chinese arts therapy. Since the first Asia Pacific International Music Therapy Forum was held in 2019, we have actively carried out or attend arts therapy work conferences and academic forums, participate in other professional activities, and conducted in-depth exchanges with domestic and foreign expert teams and industry professionals. In addition, we actively carry out professional training and consulting services, and initiate cooperation with some domestic and foreign academic institutions and associations in academic research and talent cultivation.

We look forward to making our own contribution to Chinese arts therapy with the collaboration of Chinese and foreign scholars.

2 Some Members of the Research Team

2.1 Professor Wolfgang Mastnak

Professor, doctoral supervisor and Chief expert of arts therapy research center, School of art and media, Beijing Normal University.

He is a full member of the New York Academy of Sciences and the European Academy of science and art, and holds doctorates in arts therapy, music education, medicine, sports science and mathematics. Due to the high degree of scientific innovation, he was selected as one of the 2000 outstanding intellectuals in the 21st century by the Cambridge International biography center, and nominated as one of the 1000 great figures in the 21st century by the American Biography Institute. He is mainly engaged in music therapy, dance therapy, music drama therapy, cross-cultural arts therapy, cross-cultural music education, ethnic medicine, neuroscience and neuropsychology, long-term cardiac rehabilitation, scientific theory and meta methodology. So far, he has published 20 academic works and about 300 academic papers. At the same time, he served as a reviewer of SCI journals in the medical field and President of the Austrian Heart Association, which was valued for its critical and interdisciplinary analysis.

Research achievements in recent years

Mastnak, W. (2022). Chinese music therapy and clinical music education in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Modern Applied Medical Sciences, 2(1), 1-12. DOI: 10.36099/mamr.210122

Mastnak, W. (2022). Chinese music therapy to treat depression in children and adolescents: The BARIT-Model. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 13(1), 322-331. DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.13.1.0035

Mastnak, W. (2022). Oppositional defiant disorder and Chinese music therapy: The 4S-Model. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 13(1), 481-486. DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.13.1.0763

Mastnak, W. (2022). Music, arts and cognitive behavioural therapy to treat sleep disorders. Integrative Journal of Medical Sciences, 9, 1-4. DOI: 10.15342/ijms.2022.602

Mastnak, W. (2022). Chinese music therapy and clinical music education to treat anxiety disorders: The PLUS-Model. Modern Applied Medical Research, 2(1), 13-23. DOI: 10.36099/mamr.210222

Mastnak, W. (2022). The COVID-19 pandemic, associated mental health issues and music educational therapy; An international and Chinese approach. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews 13(1), 543-551. DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.13.1.0057

Mastnak, W. (2022). Music, dance and painting to treat eating disorders; The Chinese TIBET-Model. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 13(1), 590-598. DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.13.1.0066

Mastnak, W. (2022). Stress-CARE: A Chinese music therapeutic model to treat stress and burnout syndromes. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 13(2), 57-65. DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.13.2.0103

Mastnak, W. (2022). Music therapy & the COVID-19 Era. A theoretical perspective. Innovative Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, 1(2), 1-15. DOI: 10.36099/ijcmr.120122

Mastnak, W. (2022). Künstlerische Pädagogik und Therapien in der Post-COVID-19-Ära. Eine prospekive Studie zu Herausforderungen an Gesellschaft, Bildung und Gesundheitspolitik. [Arts-based education and therapy in the post-COVID-19 era. A prospective study on social, educational and public health challenges]. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie, 32(1), 29-37.

Mastnak, W. (2022). Sound Scene Improvisation: Health Educational and Therapeutic Perspectives. Gulf Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, 1(2), 1-10. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36538.88005

Mastnak, W. (2021). The COVID-19 system: A translational meta-synthesis for cardiac rehabilitation and prevention. Atherosclerosis: Open Access Atheroscler open access, 6(1), 146.

Mastnak, W. (2021). Coherence size and confidence range: two new parameters in psycho-cardiology. Frontiers of Cardiology & Cardiovascular Medicine FJCCM, 1(1), 1-17. FJCCM-21-106

Matnak, W. & Mao, Q. (2021). Chinese arts-based psycho-oncology: A translational systemic meta-synthetic perspective. Biomedical & Translational Science, 1(1), 1-8. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23484.10888

Mastnak, W. & Yang, J.Y.(2021). Multimodale Musiktherapie bei Schwangerschafts- und Perinataldepression. Eine chinesische Pilotstudie zur COVID-19-Ära [Multimodal music therapy in pregnancy-associated and perinatal depression. A Chinese COVID-19-era pilot-study]. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie, 31(1), 11-22. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13417.77925

Mastnak, W. & Kremer, L (2021). Polyästhetische Erziehung und Sexologie. Eine interdisziplinäre chinesisch-westliche Perspektive [Polyaesthetic education and sexology: An interdisciplinary Chinese-Western perspective]. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie, 31(1), 3-10. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25161.83046

Mastnak, W. (2021). Resonanzprozessoren. Interdependenzfunktion zwischen Biographie und Werk. In: Erhardt, I. (Hg.) Jahrbuch für Psychoanalyse und Musik, Bd. 5 (2021). 23-49. DOI: 10.30820/9783837930436-23

Mastnak, W. (2021). Psychoanalysis and Qualitative Factor Analysis: A comparative meta-theoretical perspective. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11022.89922

Mastnak, W. (2021). Coherence Size and Confidence Range: Two new Parameters? ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32833.28007

Mastnak, W. (2021). Musikpädagogik, Kreativität & Default Mode Network (DMN). ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16475.49442

Mastnak, W. & Yazdani, Y. (2021). Frauenstimmen des Iran. Perspektiven für den kulturerschließenden Musikunterricht. Research Gate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14227.60969

Mastnak, W. & Chen, Y. (2021). Klavierpädagogik & Seinsphilosophie: eine chinesische Perspektive. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27262.72008/1

Mastnak, W. (2021). Qualitative Factor Analysis. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22675.20002

Mastnak, W. (2021). Alexander Technique for Musicians. A Critical Medical Perspective. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10321.66403

Mastnak, W. (2021). Raum & Rhythmik. Eine neurowissenschaftliche Perspektive. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20178.27847

Mastnak, W. (2021). Räume und chinesische Rhythmik 马乐音乐律动. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24372.58249

Mastnak, W. (2021). COVID-19 Psychodynamics and Psychopathology. A Psychoanalytic Perspective. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35539.91687

Mastnak, W., Mao, Q. & Yang, J.Y. (2021). Psycho-oncological Education – A Chinese Model. A brief commentary. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34071.91047

Mastnak, W. (2021). Systemic Meta-Synthesis. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25103.30886

Mastnak, W., Bao, J. & Yang, J.Y. (2021). 中枢神经——音乐系统与压力机制之间的界面。以音乐为基础的大脑压力调节机制的综合框架研究. Music Stress Interface ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16214.98889

Mastnak, W. & Mao, Q. (2021). COVID-19, breast cancer and music-based psycho-social care in China. A short communication. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35169.63841

Mastnak, W.& Mao, Q. (2021) Alpine Music Therapy: Traditional and Clinical Perspectives Alpine Music Therapy, Traditional and Clinical Aspects ResearchGate DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.13242.11200

Mastnak, W.& Mao, Q. (2021) The Historical Evolution of Music Therapy from an International Perspective Art Theory, 1002-8900 (2021) 03-0029-06

Mastnak, W. Yang, J.Y.& Xie J.W. (2021) Sound Work: Sound and Body in Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine, and Wellness ResearchGate DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.30769.71526

Mastnak, W. & Guo, R. (2021). Chinese Orff Music Therapy for children with ASD in China: The Shanghai Model. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34159.56481

Mastnak, W. & Guo, R. (2021). An evaluation of Chinese Orff Music Therapy for children with autism in China. Good Autism Practice, 22(1), 78-86.

Mastnak, W., Seevraz, J.C. & Duvergé, M. (2021). Mauritian music therapy: conceptual framework of a promising movement. Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa, 18(1), 165-175. DOI: 10.2989/18121004.2021.2013021

Mastnak, W. & Mao, Q. (2021). Mindful Chinese family therapy. Cross-cultural perspectives & an arts therapeutic model. BNU Scientific Arts Therapy Reports BNU, Sci Arts Ther Rep, 1(1), 1-8. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19961.39521

Mastnak, W.& Mao Qi (2021) Chinese Family Governance Based on Mindfulness: A Cross Cultural Perspective and Art Therapy Model BNU Scientific Arts Therapy Reports BNU, Sci Arts ThereRep, 1 (1), 9-14 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.35060.88961

Mastnak, W.& Mao, Q. Wolfgang Mastnak (2021) A Review and Evaluation of Dance Therapy A review and evaluation of dance therapy Journal of Beijing Dance Academy, 2021 (1), 111-120

Mastnak, W. (2021). Dance – a viable means to treat diseases and to fight pandemics: A medical and cultural anthropological perspective. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie, 31(2), 197-211. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14027.26400

Mastnak, W. (2021). Was ist Musiktherapie? Ein Mikro-Führer durch den terminologischen Dschungel. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie, 31(2), 254-256. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14728.49920


Mastnak, W., Gebhard, A., Langenmantel, P. & Ohnewald, I. (2020). Musik und die Mutter-Kind-Dyade im Strafvollzug. Eine Pilotstudie [Music and the mother-child dyad in imprisonment. A pilot study]. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie, 30(1), 10-17. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25379.73767

Mastnak, W. (2020). Musik- und Sexualtherapie. Eine westlich und chinesisch akzentuierte, endokrinologische Perspektive [Music-, Sex therapy, China, and the West]. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie, 30(1), 3-9. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15313.40801

Mastnak, W. & Guo, R. (2020). Music Therapy for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder. A Short Review of Western and Chinese Developments and Proceedings. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie, 30(1), 26-35. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28735.18084

Mastnak, W. (2020). Music Therapy in ASD. But is Autism a Disorder? A Critical Clinically Cultural Perspective and a Czech Model. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie, 30(1), 18-25. DOI: 10.13140/RG2.2.35446.06729

Mastnak, W. (2020). Psychopathological problems related to the COVID-19 pandemic and possible prevention with music therapy. Acta Paediatrica, 109(8), 1516-1518. DOI: 10.1111/apa.15346

Mastnak, W. (2020). COVID-19, Cardiological Issues & Health Education. Journal of Cardiology Research Review & Reports, 1(3), 1-4. DOI: 10.47363/JCRRR/2020(1)117

Mastnak, W. (2020) Fitness, COVID-19 and future pandemics: The sports medical mission of physical education. Insights in Blood Pressure, 4(1), 1-3. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29574.04168.

Mastnak, W., Mao, Q. & Yang J.Y. (2020) Music Rhythmic Therapy – A Novel Versatile Add-On- Support in Paediatrics. Journal of Pediatrics Research Reviews & Reports, 2(3), 1-10. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14055.11685

Mastnak, W. (2020) Music Counselling. In: Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (Ed.) Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy Moscow 2020, ISBN 978-5-6044-523-7-0, S. 283-291

Mastnak, W., Wang, L., He, P., Fan, L.H. & Mao, Q. (2020). Chinese music therapy to alleviate anxiety and depressive traits in breast cancer patients. The Shanghai model. Journal of Clinical Research in Oncology, 3(1), 1-9. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19088.28163

Mastnak, W. (2020). Cardiorespiratory fitness to boost immunity and fight pandemics. A translational meta-synthesis. Frontiers Journal of Cardiology & Cardiovascular Medicine, 1(1), 1-14. FJCCM-20-102. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29154.61125

Mastnak, W. (2020). Musculoskeletal pain in students under COVID-19 conditions – A translational meta-synthesis for personalised rehabilitation. International Journal of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, 7, 16-29. DOI: 10.12974/2313-0954.2020.07.3

Mastnak, W.& Yang, J.Y. Yang Jingyi (2020) Overview of research and neuroscience background on the transformation of prenatal music intervention in China Contemporary Music, 2020 (9), 8-11 Article number 1007-2233 (2020) 09-0008-04

Mastnak, W. (2020) Karl Orff's Explanation of the Concept of "Primitivity" - For Chinese Music Education Peers. Music Art 2020 (3), 169-178 Http// Www.cnki.net

Mastnak, W.& Gu, J.W. (2020) German Chinese Poly Lingual Withdrawn Syndrome A short communication ResearchGate DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.27708.36481

2.2 Professor Linda Xiao Qiao Cao Baker

Professor, School of arts and media, Beijing Normal University, Chief expert of arts therapy research center; American Board certified dance movement therapist, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor; First director of expressive therapy center of AMITA Behavioral Medicine Institute; Nearly 30 years of experience in clinical application and teaching supervision of arts therapy; In addition to enjoying an excellent reputation at both China and USA in professional training and treatment of various mental and mental diseases, has also made achievements in professional works, academic speeches, film and television creation, research articles and so on; As a disciple of professor Huang Huilin, the founder of Art Communication College of Beijing Normal University and Ms. Siegel, the chief pioneer of dance therapy in Central America, she is devoted to creating a modern interdisciplinary arts therapy program for her alma mater and cultivating high-quality arts therapy clinicians and educators.

Representative achievements include:

1)    Academic Monographs: “Dance of Attunement with Your Kids: Ten Developmental Movement Rhythm and Effect of Psychological Behaviors” (Beijing Normal University Press, December 2022); Dancing: Starting the Journey of Psychological Healing with Body Creativity” (Renmin University Press, October 2018); “Entering Dance Movement Therapy: Basic Theory”, “Entering Dance Movement Therapy: Clinical Application”  (Anhui Times New Media Press, December 2016).

2)    Scientific Research Projects: Design and presided over the national scientific research project of foreign experts, "establishing China's theory, teaching, research and practice system of expressive arts therapy" (Bureau of Foreign Experts of the Ministry of Education, 2019); Designed and presided over the university scientific research project "Research on CBT Oriented Creative Arts Therapy Treating College Students with Depression" (Tang Zhongying Foundation, 2022-2024).

3)     Academic Presentations: "Bridging Eastern and Western Cultures through Building Creative Arts Therapy: Journey of Our Team's Healing during Pandemic Years" (English, leading presenter of Panel, 6th International Symposium on Comprehensive Creative arts therapy, Therapy through Institute of Arts Chicago, May 2022); "Dancing with the Five Elements: An Ancient Chinese Philosophy in the Developmental Model of Internship Supervision" (the 56th Conference of  Dance  Movement Therapy, American Dance Therapy Association, October 2021); "Heaven and Man: The Essence of Chinese Healing Arts Rooted in Buddhism, Taoism and Zen" (English, leading presenter of panel, the 5th Integrative Creative Arts Therapy, Therapy through Institute of Arts Chicago, March 2021); "Dance of Five Elements: Healing Methods Based on Ancient Chinese Philosophy" (in Chinese, National Academic Forum on Dance and Science, Beijing Dance Academy, November 2021), " Humanism Oriented Expressive Arts Therapy" (China Academic Conference on Humanistic Psychological Counseling and Therapy, School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, May 2019); " Chinese Meridian Concept for Family System Therapy in Movement Model " (the 4th Integrated Creative Arts Therapy, Therapy through Institute of Arts Chicago , March 2019); "Starting the Journey of Psychological Healing with Body Creativity" (in Chinese, National Dance Education Academy, Beijing Dance Academy, October 2019); "Introduction to American Contemporary Expressive arts therapy" (in Chinese, Chinese and Western Art and Aesthetic Education Summit Forum, Central Academy of Fine Arts, November 2019); Anchoring the Present: Dance & arts therapy Interventions for Challenging Cases” (Chicago Psychotherapy Symposium, AMITA Institute of Continuing Education in Behavioral Medicine, February 2019); “Moving the Body, Developing the Brain—Dance Therapy for Transdiagnostic Emotional Disorders” (Chicago Psychotherapy Symposium, AMITA Institute of Continuing Education in Behavioral Medicine, October 2018); American Psychotherapy Trends from the AMITA Behavioral Medicine and Therapy Model (in Chinese, China Psychological Brand Summit Forum, Beijing Psychological Consulting Groups, July 2018); "Developing Body Medicine Storage - Embodying Self-Healing Wisdom" (NIEAPA Academic Annual Conference, Northern Illinois Employee Assistance Professional Society, December 2010) ); “The Power of Symbolic Exposure Approach: Dance/Drama Therapy for Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders” (Conference of Counseling & Therapy, Illinois Counseling Association, October 2017); The Embodiment of Emotion Regulation: Expressive Arts Therapy Treating Eating Disorders and Self-Injury Symptoms” (Conference of Psychological Counseling/Therapy, AMITA Behavioral Medicine Institute of Continuing Education, October 2016); Application of Tai Chi Techniques in Dance Movement Therapy Treating Geriatrics with Depression /Anxiety/Parkinson’s Disorders" (Annual Conference of Aging, American Aging Society, March 2015, 2014, 2013); "Bridging East-West Self-Healing Approach in Movement Therapy for Chronic Pain" (the 31st Scientific Meeting of Pain, American Pain Society, October 2012) Limb Decoding of Anxiety and Fear: Dancing Therapy for Children's Emotional Trauma (Conference of  School Counseling, Illinois School Social Work Society, August 2010)

4)    Film Creations: : Dancing Movement Therapy - Healing Practice with Linda (ABMC Hospital System TV Daily Feature, AMITA Video Group, 2018); Dancing Therapy Working with Eating Disorders (Graduate School Teaching Film, Sage Publications Film, 2018) ; The Healing Dance 4-Disc DVD Series (ABBHH Inpatient Daily Practice Program and as Physician/Therapist's Discharge Prescription, The Video Works Inc. 2003); Self-Healing Movement for Postpartum Depression " (in Chinese, Psychological Education TV program, Anhui Times New Media Publishing House, 2017); " Synchronous Dance and Movement Dialogue with Children" (in Chinese, 9-episode series of  Education TV Program, Anhui Times New Media Publishing House, 2015)

5)    Academic Articles: "On Dance Therapy for Depression from the Creative Brain Mechanism" (Art Education, Issue 9, 2021, "Unlocking, Shifting, and Remodeling - Discussion on Dancing Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder" (Journal of Beijing Dance Academy, 2021) , 1); "Laban Movement Analysis Orientation of Chord Dance: An Exploration of Dance Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders" (Art Education, 2021, Issue 2); "Adolescent Eating Disorder Dance Therapy Combined with Medicine", (English , in collaboration with Mengqiao Fu, Boletin De Malariology Y Salud Ambiental, Vol. 60, Web of Science, V.5.35, 2020); "Bridging East and West Self-Healing Approaches - Dancing Therapy for Chronic Pain" (in English, Pain Research Journal No. 13, American Pain Society, 2012) “Fluoxetine Hydrochloride Combined with Dance Movement Therapy for Adolescents with Eating Disorders”, (Co-writer with Mengqiao Fu, Boletin De Malariology Y Salud Ambiental, Volume 60,Web of Science, V.5.35, 2020 );

6)    Professional Awards: "Achievement Reward : Alumni of the Year" (awarded by Program Dance Therapy & Counseling, Columbia College Chicago, USA, 2019); "25-Year Professional Achievement Award" (awarded by AMITA Health System, USA, 2018); Achievement Reward: Year of the Leader “ ( Issued by ABBHH in the United States, 2016); honorably interviewed and reported by Online  China Daily (Chinese, 2018); honorably interviewed & filmed by China Beixin Books(Chinese, 2018); honorably reported by China Contemporary Health News (Chinese, 2018); Honorably reported by China Psychology Guide (Chinese, 2018) ); Honorably interviewed and filmed by Weekly Journal of AMITA Health System (English, 2016); honorably interviewed and reported by Weekly Journal of AMITA Health System  (English, 2018, 2016); live broadcast by the American "Voice of America" online ( 2015) ; A full-page honorable report by Chicago Times (Chinese, 1998)

2.3 Associate Professor Li Hongju

Associate Professor and graduate supervisor of School of Arts and Communication, Beijing Normal University, doctor of psychology, Certified Psychotherapist, director of Arts Therapy Research Center. She was a visiting scholar at Columbia University in New York (2017) funded by the National Study Abroad Fund Committee(China). She once was the deputy director of the Arts Department of Collaboration Innovation Center of Assessment toward Basic Education Quality(China),and postdoctoral fellow of the State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and learning in Beijing Normal University.

Research interests

Arts therapy, arts education and psychology

Academic Positions

Committee member of the disabled mental health branch of China Mental Health Association

Council member of the International Association for creative arts education and treatment

Some Academic Publications in Recent Years

① Leah Guzman (American), translated by Li Hongju. Essential art therapy exercises, Published by China Machine Press, 2022 (Translated).

② Hu Zhifeng, Guo Biheng, Li Hongju. Aesthetic Education: Rethinking arts education, China Federation of literary and art Publishers, July 2021, One of the chief editors (edited).

③ Li Hongju, Fan Xiaomin, Ji Shuwen, & Yu Qian(2022). The empirical research of college students’ background of arts education and relationship with mental health, Psychological Applications and Trends 2022, Edited by Clara Pracana  & Michael Wang,Published by inScience Press, Rua Tomás Ribeiro, 45, 1º D, 1050-225 Lisboa, Portugal. pp212-215.

④ Li Hongju, Liu Qixuan. 2021 annual report on arts education in China - kindergarten, Arts Review, 2022.

⑤ Sun Minqing, Li Hongju. Applied analysis of drama elements in drama therapy, Art Research, 2022 (8).

⑥ Liu Qixuan, Li Hongju. Cultivation of design thinking in PBL project-based learning steam course, Arts Education, 2022 (7).

⑦ Wang Yannan, Li Hongju. Preliminary study on dance movement therapy education and standards. Arts Education, 2021 (08): 47-51 Corresponding author.

⑧ Hongju Li, & Xindi Cao. MIND-BODY INTEGRATION IN DANCE MOVEMENT THERAPY. Psychological Applications and trends, 2021, Edited by: Clara Pracana & Michael Wang. ISSN (electronic version): 2184-3414 ISSN (printed version): 2184-2205 ISBN: 978-989-54815-5-2 .Published by inScience Press, Rua Tomás Ribeiro, 45, 1050-225.  Lisboa, Portugal.

⑨ Hongju Li and Qianyu Xing, The Effect of Arts Education on the Mental Health of Teenagers, 2020 International Symposium on Advances in Informatics, Electronics and Education (ISAIEE),Frankfurt, Germany, 2020, pp. 129-132.

⑩ Li Hongju, Liu Qixuan. 2020 annual report on arts education in China - Kindergarten, Arts Review, 2021 (06): 137-142.

11 Wang Yannan, Li Hongju. Current research on short video arts education, Arts Education, 2021 (06): 107-110. Corresponding author.

12 Li Hongju, Cao Xindi. The premise and purpose of dance therapy: physical and mental integration, Arts Education, 2021 (03): 35-39.

13 Tangyi, lihongju. Study on physical and mental intervention of Laban Movement Education on people with visual impairment, Journal of Beijing Dance Academy, 2021 (01): 128-135.

14 Xing Qianyu, Li Hongju. On the role of arts education in the development of teenagers' mental health. Arts Education, 2020 (12): 21-24.

15 Li Hongju. Analysis of ecological validity in experimental aesthetics research Arts Education, 2020 (11): 23-26.

16 Li Hongju, Chen Leshi. Research on the aesthetic psychological mechanism of visual art, Arts Education, 2020 (07): 20-23.

17 Li Hongju. 2019 annual report on art education in China - Preschool, Arts Review, 2020 (05): 115-119.

18 Li Hongju. 2018 annual report on Chinese Art Education - Kindergarten, Arts Review, 2019 (3).

19 Li Hongju. On the positive effect of arts education on College Students' physical and mental health, Arts Education, 2019 (2).

20 Liu Ziqi, Li Hongju. World synesthesia organization and its research, Arts Research, 2019 (1).

Research Projects

① Li Hongju. Research on group arts therapy treatment to middle school students with anxiety and depression in Beijing from the perspective of positive psychology. Funded by the 14th five year plan of Beijing Educational Science, 2021-2024.

② Li Hongju. Dynamic prediction research and system development of arts teachers in primary and secondary schools in China. Funded by the Science and Technology Development Center of the Ministry of education, 2021-2022.

③ Li Hongju. Research on the psychological mechanism of arts training college students' positive psychological quality. Funded by Beijing Social Science Foundation project, 2017-2020.

④ Li Hongju. Longitudinal study on the relationship between music education and the development of primary school students' non-music ability and psychological mechanism. Funded by the Ministry of Education in the 12th Five Year Plan of National Education Science, 2013-2016.

⑤ Establishing China's theory, teaching, research and practice system of expressive arts therapy, Bureau of Foreign Experts of the Ministry of Education, 2019.

⑥ Investigation and research on the construction of arts teachers in primary and secondary schools in China in the new era. Funded by 2021 project of teacher education branch of China Society of higher education.

⑦ Participated in Investigation on the current situation of arts teachers in primary and secondary schools in China. Funded by the Department of sports, health and arts of the Ministry of education, 2019-2020.

⑧ Participated in Research on the long-term mechanism of College Teachers' mental health education. Funded by Beijing Normal University in 2019.

⑨ Participated in Intervention of arts therapy on depression and anxiety of College Students in Beijing Normal University. Funded by Beijing Normal University in 2020.

Oral Reports of Academic Conferences in Recent Years

① Li Hongju, Bridging West & East Culture through Building Creative Arts Therapy-----Research Inspiration & Poetic Journaling (one of panel presentation). Institute for Therapy through the Arts’(ITA) 6th Annual Integrated Creative Arts Therapy Conference, ITA Chicago, America, Oral report, Online, May 12th, 2022.

② Li Hongju, Research on the construction of arts teachers in the new era. "Value reconstruction of art education" online international academic forum, Beijing, November 14, 2021.

③ Li Hongju, Unity of Heaven and Man: the Construction of Chinese Traditional Culture (one of panel presentation) . Institute for Therapy through the Arts’ (ITA) 5th Annual Integrated Creative Arts Therapy Conference, ITA Chicago, America, Oral report, Online, January 15th, 2021.

④ Li Hongju. Arts therapy research and international cooperation value and planning, CAET international online lecture - arts education and treatment in Chinese colleges and Universities: tradition, innovation and breakthrough;  Yipai college, 2021.1.20.

⑤  Li Hongju. Arts education and healthy development of students, 2019 "comparison between Chinese and Western arts education · Aesthetic Education Summit Forum", Central Academy of fine arts, November 25, 2019.

⑥ Li Hongju. Summary of the development of arts therapy in China and abroad, 2019 academic annual meeting of social aesthetic education alliance, Central Academy of Fine Arts, December 10-12, 2019.

⑦ Li Hongju, The Influence of Art Education on Undergraduates' Life Satisfaction and Life Meaning, International Culture & Arts Forum(ICAF) ,Beijing, China,July 3-4, 2019.

⑧ The Psychological Mechanism of Meaning Understanding of Chinese Calligraphy Art Appreciation from A Perspective of New Experimental Aesthetics, International Culture & Arts Forum(ICAF) ,Beijing, China,July 3-4, 2019.

2.4 Associate Professor Tang Yi

Graduated from the Department of Chinese folk dance of Beijing Dance Academy

Doctorate candidate of Arts Therapy, the School of Arts and Communication, Beijing Normal University

International Laban Movement Analyst (CMA)

MFA Tutor

Academic Positions

Director of China of Laban Research Center

Board Member, The International Council of Kinetography Laban (ICKL);

Senior Dance Course Consultant, China Children’s Center;

Special Expert Member of the Dance Education Project under the “Higher Education Institutions Supporting Primary Education” program sponsored by Beijing Municipal Board of Education.

Research Direction

Chinese folk dance, Laban Movement Analysis and dance score, arts therapy and creative dance; Application of the movement analysis theory to the interdisciplinary research of the combination of theory and practice of dance performance, dance basic education, special population treatment and so on.

Academic Achievements

2021 Journal - "Research on the Physical and mental Intervention of Laban Movement Education on People with Visual Disabilities" - Journal of Beijing Dance Academy, 1st issue

2021 Journal - "Body Centered Psychotherapy and Transformation - Applied Dance in Adolescent Dance Therapy" - Proposed Art Education, 10th issue

2019 Choreographic work - "Ruler Element" was invited to participate in "2019 Huagang Art Exhibition - Annual Public Performance of Huagang Dance Troupe" and “National Dance Festival - the Opening Ceremony of the 33rd Creative Dance Festival " in Korea

2017 Journal – “Dai Ailian and the Promotion and Development of Domestic Laban Dance Scores in the 1980s and 1990s”, Journal of Beijing Dance Academy, 3rd issue

2016 Journal – “the Evolution of Laban Dance Score in China” – The Art Review, 3rd issue

2013 Translator - Participated in the Chinese translation of the world renown book “Laban notation”, published by China Publishing Media Co., Ltd

2012 Journal – “Dialogues on Dance Score” - the Power of Creativity / Proceedings of the International Creative Dance Seminar of Beijing Normal University

2010 Journal - "Reflections on Ethnic and Folk Dance Education in Higher Education" – The Ethnic Art Research, 6th issue

2010 Journal - "On the Significance of Laban Dance Score and the impact of its Movement Analysis System to Teaching of Dance " - Journal of Beijing Dance Academy, 4th issue

2008 Journal - "Evolution under Multiple Forces" - Yunnan National Art Research, 3rd issue

Research Projects

2019 In collaboration with China Primary Education Coordinated Creative Testing Center, designed and implemented self-promotion courses as a part of the “Higher Education Institutions Supporting Primary Education” program

2018 Designed and implemented the “Creative Dance Course" hosted by Beijing Normal University under the “Higher Education Institutions Supporting Primary Education” program  

2016 Project - "Practice of Dance Education Reform in Primary Schools - Research on Laban Movement Education Curriculum" sponsored by Beijing Social Science Foundation

2014 Project - "Research on Multi-dimensional Display Technology of Dynamic Digital Culture", sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology

2014 Project -"Research on the Connection and Practice of Art Courses in Primary and Secondary schools in Beijing”, a provincial and ministerial level project

2012 Project - "Research on the Application of Laban Dance Score on Dance Therapy for Blind Children", sponsored by Beijing Society Philosophy and Social Sciences

2011 Field Research Project - "Investigation and Practice of Ethnic Minorities in Southwest China"


2019 Recipient of the Excellent Faculty Award, Beijing Normal University, 2019, for Ms. Tang’s contribution to the characteristic development project of Beijing primary school education

2010 Selected as one of the Top Ten Faculties, Beijing Normal University, 2010

2000 Runner-Up Prize: Chinese Folk Dance, Youth Group, the 6th national "Tao Li Cup" Dance Competition in 2000

1994 National Champion: Chinese Folk dance, Youth Group, the 4th national "Tao Li Cup" Dance Competition in 1994

2.5 Associate Professor Xi Fangfang

Xi Fangfang, doctor of ethnology, associate professor of  the School of Arts and Communication, , Beijing Normal University, graduate supervisor

Council member of overseas Chinese Artists Association, member of Minority Art Promotion Association of China Artists Association, member of China Society of Art Anthropology and member of Beijing oil painting society.

Deputy director of children's art education center of Beijing Normal University.

Distinguished teacher of preschool education and training center of Beijing Normal University.

Research interests:

oil painting, Chinese national and folk art, art education and psychotherapy.

Main teaching experience:

The general course "appreciation of classic oil painting and introduction to techniques" was rated as the "core course of art general education in Beijing Normal University".

Award for excellent demonstration course of China Artists Association.

First prize of higher education teaching achievement award of Beijing Normal University.

Main academic experience:

Presided over the second sub project of the national key R & D plan: R & D of creative exhibition technology of smart Museum.

Presided over the school level project: Research on the curriculum construction of writing methods of art discipline.

Presided over the school level project: "oil painting creation" course integrated into the teaching design concept and method of people's epic theme in the new era.

Main academic works:

Basic techniques of oil painting and interpretation of classic works.

Art asking for things: Art Education and creation from the perspective of Globalization (deputy editor in chief).

Main academic papers:

"Practicality" and "accomplishment" of aesthetic education,Art Education, 2022.3.

Emotion, movement and image -- Reflections on human value creation, Chinese Art January 2020.

Two images in tuyugou folk house door leaf decoration, Decoration, July 2019.

On the iconography of the folk art pattern "Eight Immortals crossing the sea", National Art Research 2017.

Oral report of International Conferences:

1. 2022 ITA Academic Conference on creative arts therapy (Chicago, USA): painting establishes an inner sense of order -- the application of "one painting theory" in arts therapy.

2. Li Ren's Academic Forum on the reconstruction of the value of art education in Beijing Normal University: report: empathy and healing of painting. 2021.

3. Speech report of 2021 ITA Academic Conference on creative arts therapy (Chicago, USA): the concept of heaven and man in ancient and contemporary Chinese art.

Award winning works and exhibitions:

1. The installation work "she" was shortlisted for the international exhibition of female artists' works of overseas Chinese Artists Association (New York).

2. "Visual coding - joint exhibition of German Chinese young artists development fund" (Berlin) Excellence Award for installation work "90000 miles".

3. International individual Invitation Exhibition: "travel to Danube - Xifang European sketch Invitation Exhibition" Budapest, Hungary.

4. Sound soul painting multi-dimensional interactive art exhibition Beijing Capital Art Museum.

5. See - Zhu (solo exhibition) Beijing Jingshi Art Museum.

6. The skeleton of civilization (large solo exhibition) Beijing Landscape Art Museum.

7. Determined (solo exhibition) Beijing Skyland manor Art Museum.

2.6 Introduction to Other Experts at the Art Therapy Research Center

3 Email: artstherapy@163.com; lihongju@e-sportscast.net